Sep 16Liked by Ramya Yandava

Ramya, as always, great piece. Incidentally, the full moon is right around the corner for this month and I will remember your words on living on the moon!

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Thank you, I’m so glad you enjoyed reading! And I too am looking forward to that full moon!

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Sep 15Liked by Ramya Yandava

I loved everything about this post, and especially this line: “…I would like to live there in a silvery little valley, where the grass would sparkle with an unearthly light and the dew would hang upon each dove-gray blade like pearls. There the trees would have bark like alabaster—or some would, at least, and others would have bark like moonstone, and still others like mother-of-pearl, with leaves of a silvery iridescence, shimmering when a moon-wind chanced to rustle them.” 🌑❤️

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aw I'm so glad you enjoyed, Zio! 😊 Thank you for reading and for taking the time to leave a comment! <3

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How delightful your musing on living on the Moon is. And thank you for introducing me to the charming poem by E. E. Cummings. As for me, not so out-of-this-world unrealistic, but I have wanted to work at a weather station in the Arctic. All alone, recording the temperatures, counting the occurences of aurora, running out of the station in the middle of a blizzard naked and running back inside in a few minutes, laughing at my own stupidity, etc. Preferably with a Husky, whose eyes are ice-blue.

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Thank you so much for reading and for leaving this wonderful comment! I'm so glad you like the e.e. cummings poem, it's one of my favorites! From the way you picture it, working at an Arctic weather station sounds like it would be such a fun adventure, especially if accompanied by that husky!

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